The Power of Perseverance: My Unexpected Path to Real Estate Success

I was pulled into real estate investing full-time.

My backup plan turned into an amazing opportunity.

I had a few rentals for years but started doing some flips to build some extra cash to buy more rentals.

I had a renovation business and plenty of construction experience.

The plan was to hire contractors for all of the flip renovations. The backup plan was for me to do work on the flips if a contractor should flake – a common occurrence where I live. LOL

I had two contractors flake. One left for a two-week project elsewhere and never returned. The other never started.

Meanwhile, I was burning through money with high-interest hard money.

So, I jumped in to finish the work. It ended up being full-time work and I shut down the renovation business.

There were some lean years. Every extra dime went back into growing the business. But my back-up plan was a success.

I no longer do flips. I also don’t do the renovations myself anymore.

Those flips blossomed into an amazing rental business, a renovation company that renovates new purchases, and a management company to manage the properties.

We all start somewhere and most of us start at zero.

Whatever you are doing, whether it’s owning real estate rentals or another type of business, always have backup plans. Often, you will need them. Sometimes, you’ll need more than one.

Most importantly, focus on growth, take it one step at a time, and never stop moving. Remember who won the race between the tortoise and the hare? Your pace doesn’t matter. As long as you keep moving, you will get there.

Happy Investing!


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