The Illusion of Overnight Success: Unveiling the Truth Behind Hard Work and Long-Term Business Growth

There are no shortcuts to building your business.

Gurus who try to sell you get-rich-quick training are lying to you.

But, you’ve seen many businesses that have experienced overnight success. How did they do it?

Years of unrecognized hard work.

I realize that isn’t the message that most people want to hear. We’ve been trained to believe in the unrealistic.

How many times have you heard that you can lose weight without exercise while eating whatever you want? How many Billions have been made on the latest get-fit-quick from a pill scheme?

Do you know anyone who has ever gotten fit from a pill? I’ve never met anyone. That’s why they buy the next promising pills.

Every time a real estate guru comes through town, investor groups are flooded with new investors and new wholesalers. Everyone is convinced that they have just learned the secret to getting rich quickly.

I see so many contractors doing an amazing job in their trade and then failing when they try to grow rapidly. What happens?

They start hiring lots of employees for growth. They think they can stop working and drink umbrella drink by the beach.

The work and service quality drops, while prices jump. Customers become disgruntled and repeat sales stop. Then the business dies.

One example was an HVAC contractor that we had used. Great work. Solo man shop. Then the rapid growth happened.

Prices doubled, quality plummeted. It culminated with an investor posting that this contractor’s crew nearly killed him with a faulty installation that leaked carbon monoxide into the house overnight.

What was the contractor’s response? ‘I gave you a good price.’

This contractor was not managing the employees or the business. He had no operating standard, no quality control, no customer service.

He was collecting money to get rich quickly and enjoy those umbrella drinks.

It rarely ends well.

Life doesn’t work that way.

Every single person who has obtained huge success has done it through one method. Hard work.

Don’t cheat the system. If you want to get rich quickly, you can. But, it’s going to take very long, hard hours and lots of sacrifice.

After enough hard work, you too will become an overnight success story.

If you want to enjoy umbrella drinks, you’re going to have to endure lots of rain first.

Happy Investing!


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