How to Foster Growth in Your Business: Delegation and Talent Acquisition

If you are an entrepreneur, you may have a tough time giving up control.

Stop being a control freak. It’s hurting your business.

There are two important things that you need to do to grow your business.

The first is to delegate activities.

Focus on your core strengths and your core role – the activities that produce the most value for you and the business.

Work to shed everything else.

You probably are better at performing the activity than anyone else around you. That just means you need to do a better job training your replacement or set up better systems to make the job fool-proof.

The second thing to do is surround yourself with people who are smarter than you.

If that statement felt like a gut punch to your ego, you may be stunting your growth.

As entrepreneurs, we are used to wearing many hats and performing at an excellent level. But, once you realize that there are smarter people, your business growth will explode.

The ultimate business owner is a leader, someone who has the vision and points in the direction where the business is going.

Learn to fire yourself from other roles and replace yourself with someone who is smarter than you in that role.

Then, let them do their job. Avoid micromanaging. Give them the freedom to grow, experiment, and make mistakes.

Pro-tip: If you try to run a mistake-free environment, you will stunt your growth. Growth involves calculated risks. Mistakes will happen. Learn from the mistakes. Remember, you are now surrounded by the smartest people. Give them the tools and freedom to grow your business exponentially.

Happy Investing!


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