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How to Avoid Annoying Sales Pitches and Build Genuine Connections

In todayโ€™s digital age, it's easier than ever to reach out to people and make connections. But with that convenience comes the downside: mass pitches that lack any real personal touch. I often receive direct messages (DMs) from new acquaintances that go something like, โ€œHey, wanna buy my stuff?โ€ or even worse, โ€œHey, send me money, and I can get you a great return using real estate.โ€

Itโ€™s clear these people havenโ€™t taken the time to read my profile or understand who I am. They just send the same generic pitch to everyone, hoping someone will be interested. Sure, this approach might work based on sheer volume, but letโ€™s be honestโ€”itโ€™s more annoying than effective.

The Problem with Generic Pitches

Think about it: would you walk up to someone at a party, without any introduction, and ask them if they want to get married? Especially without noticing that they might already be wearing a wedding ring? Itโ€™s a bit much, right? Thatโ€™s exactly how it feels when someone sends a cold pitch without bothering to get to know the person on the other end.

These pitches are the digital equivalent of a door-to-door salesman who knocks on every door in the neighborhood, hoping someone will eventually buy what theyโ€™re selling. While that might have worked in the past, todayโ€™s consumers are more informed, and they value genuine connections over salesy tactics.

A Better Approach: Build Relationships First

If you find yourself sending out cold pitches, let me suggest a different approach: start by having a conversation. Whether youโ€™re trying to sell a product, offer a service, or make a new connection, itโ€™s crucial to understand the other personโ€™s needs first.

Begin with a simple, genuine interaction. Ask questions, listen to their responses, and get to know their pain points or goals. If, after that, you realize you have a product or service that can truly help them, thenโ€”and only thenโ€”should you make your pitch.

Listening Leads to Success

Listening more and understanding the other personโ€™s needs will not only increase your chances of success but also build trust and credibility. People are more likely to do business with someone they feel genuinely cares about their needs, rather than someone whoโ€™s just trying to make a quick sale.

So, next time youโ€™re tempted to send out a mass pitch, take a step back. Think about how you can add value to the person on the other end. Engage in meaningful conversations, and youโ€™ll find that your success rate will naturally increase.

Final Thoughts

Remember, genuine connections are key to building long-term success. Whether youโ€™re networking online or in person, the principles are the same: listen more, understand more, and pitch only when you know you can help.

Happy Investing!

- Source ( Click Here )


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